InfixEdu School v6.8.3 School Management System


Aplikasi Pendidikan - Reliability is the key factor when it comes to running a School Management System. Any lag or disturbance can affect your reputation. And we completely understand this responsibility from our 20 years+ of experience in working in this field. We know every nitty-gritty detail of this respected industry.

With our experience and state-of-the-art interface designs, we have created INFIX in School Management ERP System which is extremely reliable, intuitive, and easy to use. It can cater to all your needs of managing school, college, university and any other educational institution eliminating the tedious manual processes.

With a framework built this solid and reliable, you can never go wrong. Whenever you face any difficulty, our friendliest support team will be with you at every step to guide the process. Once it is set and running, you can stop worrying about the system and focus on the other more important things of your organization. The beauty of automation will be at your fingertips.


  • Admission Query
  • Visitor Book
  • Phone Call Log
  • Postal Receive
  • Postal Dispatch
  • Complain
  • Admin Setup
  • Setup Front Office
  • Managing User accounts (teacher, student, parent)
  • Managing classes, subjects
  • Managing class routine
  • Managing exam, grades
  • Managing exam marks
  • Sending exam marks via sms
  • Managing Students Attendance
  • Student Certificate
  • Generate Certificate
  • Student Id Card
  • Generate Id Card
  • Managing accounting, income & expenses
  • Student Admission
  • Student Details
  • Student Promote
  • Managing School events
  • Student Category
  • Student Group
  • Desabled Student
  • Managing library, dormitory, transport
  • Messaging between other users
  • Managing system settings (general, massaging , language)
  • Add Homework
  • Evaluation Report
  • Upload Content
  • Assignments
  • Study Material
  • Syllabus
  • Other Downloads
  • Teacher
  • Managing students
  • Managing exam marks
  • Managing attendance
  • Get children marks
  • Get children payment invoices
  • Get children class routine
  • Messaging with teachers
  • Childs attendance tracking
  • Get class routine
  • Get exam marks
  • Get attendance status
  • Get study materials / files from teacher
  • Get payment invoices, pay online
  • Communicate with teacher
  • Fees payment
  • Collect Fees
  • Search fees Payment
  • Search fees due
  • Fees Master
  • Fees Group
  • Fees type
  • Fees statement
  • Reports
  • Invoice
  • Fees carry Forward
  • Paid/due fees statement etc
  • Account Dashboard
  • Profit
  • Income
  • Expense
  • Search
  • Account List
  • Payment Method
  • Bank Account
  • Payment History
  • Staff Directory
  • Staff Attendence
  • Staff Attendence Report
  • Payroll
  • Payroll Report
  • Add Exam
  • Exam
  • Add Exam Type
  • Exam Schedule
  • Seat plan
  • Exam routine
  • Marks Register
  • Exam Attendence
  • Marks Grade
  • Send Marks by SMS
  • Question Group
  • Question Bank
  • Online Exam
  • Date & time organization
  • Schedule notice
  • Instruction
  • Mark sheet & Report
  • Dashboard
  • Class Routine
  • View Class Routine (Teacher)
  • Assign Subject
  • Assign Class Teacher
  • Subjects
  • Class
  • Sections
  • Class Room
  • CL/EX Time Setup
  • Subjective assign
  • Notice Board
  • Send Massage
  • Send Email/Sms
  • Email/Sms
  • Event notice
  • Event Logs
  • Holiday notice
  • Add Book Book List
  • Add Member
  • Member listing & manage
  • Book category/list
  • Issue/Return Book
  • All Issued Book
  • Card issuing
  • Item Category
  • Item List
  • Item Store
  • Supplier
  • Item Receive
  • Item Receive List
  • Item Sell
  • Item Issue
  • Add Home Work
  • Home Work List
  • Home Work Evaluation Report
  • Routes
  • Vehicle
  • Assign Vehicle
  • Student Transport Report
  • Schedule/Routine
  • Dormitory Rooms
  • Dormitory
  • Room Type
  • Rooms monitoring
  • Student Dormitory Report
  • Student Report
  • Guardian Report
  • Student History
  • Student Login Report
  • Fees Statement
  • Balance Fees Report
  • Transjection Report
  • Class Report
  • Class Routine Report
  • Exam Routine Report
  • Teacher Class Routine
  • Merit List Report
  • Online Exam Report
  • Mark Sheet Report
  • Tabulation Sheet Report
  • Progress Card Report
  • Student Fine Report
  • User Log
  • Attendants Report (Teacher & Student both) and Many More…
  • General Settings
  • Email Settings
  • Payment Method Settings
  • Role Permission
  • Base Group
  • Base Setup
  • Academic year
  • Session
  • Holiday
  • SMS Settings
  • Weekend
  • Language Settings
  • Backup
  • Coming soon. We are working on it and hopedully it will launch in our next update.
  • INFIX has More:
  • Optimized Performance
  • One click update system
  • Clean Code quality
  • Installation wizard
  • Multi Lingual
  • Full Responsive
  • RTL – Coming soon
  • E-mail notification with templates
  • Supports SMS notification
  • Printable Reports
  • Powerful permission editor
  • Flexible fee structure
  • Details students & stuff Profile
  • Student attended
  • Unmatched transport module
  • Complete digital library system
  • Common Features:
  • Added Menus
  • Added Media Manager
  • Added Pages
  • Added Event
  • Added Gallery
  • Added News
  • Added Banner Images
  • Added Human Resource with Payroll module
  • Added Staff Directory
  • Added enable/disable staff
  • Added Staff Attendance
  • Added Staff Attendance Report
  • Added Payroll
  • Added Payroll Report
  • Added Approve Leave Request
  • Added Apply Leave
  • Added Leave Type
  • Added Department
  • Added Designation
  • Added Front Office with Admission Enquiry module
  • Added Admission Enquiry with Status and Follow Up
  • Added Visitor Book
  • Added Phone Call Log
  • Added Postal Dispatch
  • Added Postal Receive
  • Added Complain
  • Added Setup Front Office
  • Added ACL based Roles and Permission module
  • Added Roles
  • Added Assign Permissions on Roles
  • Added enable/disable modules
  • Added Certificate and ID Card Print module
  • Added Student Certificate
  • Added Generate Certificate
  • Added Student ID Card
  • Added Generate ID Card
  • Added Homework module
  • Added Homework
  • Added Homework Evaluation Report
  • Added Calendar with To Do List module
  • Added Calendar Event
  • Added Task for To DO List
  • Added File based Languages
  • Added class-section and same role upload content in Download Center
  • Added Student Timeline
  • Added login with last logout page
  • Added character count in Email/SMS send message box
  • Added sibling feature in student edit
  • Added Fees Carry Forward to next session
  • Added Auto Backup using Cron
  • Added new navigation panel for students in same class
  • Added % in student attendance report
  • Added UTF-8 support for csv file in student import
  • Added new fields in student import
  • Added enable/disable student
  • Added online payment in student panel
  • Added Assign Class Teacher
  • Added Teacher Restricted Mode
  • Added Student History
  • Added Guardian Report
  • Added Student Transport Report
  • Added Student Hostel Report
  • Added Student House, Blood Group, Height, Weight, As On Date, Father, Mother, Guardian photo in student profile
  • Added hostel allotment in student admission
  • Added required filed red * mark in forms
  • Added sorting in student attendance page
  • Added Download Center in Parent Panel


  • Download Dulu Source Code dan Database nya
  • Download file Pendukung yaitu web server xampp bisa download di sarankan php 5.6 atau versi 7.3
  • Text editor untuk membongkar coding di rekomendasikan sublime text atau notepad ++
  • install xampp seperti biasa dan subimetext nya
  • copy folder Source Code SimBAST (Sistem Informasi Manajeman Barang/Alat/Sarana Terintegrasi) yang sudah di download ke direktory c/xampp/htocs
  • kemudian buka bowser google chorme kemudian ketikan localhost/phpmyadmin/
  • selanjutnya buat database dengan nama yang ada di folder htdocs tadi yang telah di pindahkan ada di folder db atau database dengan format .sql, kemudian import
  • setelah itu sesuaikan setingan koneksi database dengan membuka aplikasi texteditor tadi, file koneksi di application/config/database.php atau di file koneksi.php, lalu save
  • kemudian buka browser ketikan localhost/project_nama ( nama project tadi )
  • selesai


  • Akun Login Username :  Pasword : password
  • Jika Tidak Bisa anda bisa cek di tabel admin atau user pada phpmyadmin
  • Jika terjadi error silahkan sesuaikan versi php aplikasi


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