YouTube Media Converter Script v1.66

Media Converter

Aplikasi Pendidikan-The newest and fastest-performing addition to our product line! By streaming downloaded/converted files directly to your device, videos are delivered and high-quality MP3 files are generated in a fraction of the regular time required. And because no files are stored on the server (when MP3 caching is disabled), you need very little hard disk space! The software supports the download of ALL available YouTube video/audio formats and qualities as well as their conversion to multiple MP3 qualities, up to 320 kbps! It can display the top YouTube videos on a per-country basis and enables the searching of YouTube video URLs, video IDs, playlists, and general search terms. Top videos and search results are loaded via a sleek AJAX interface that will keep loading more videos as needed. To top it off, an integrated music player allows you to preview audio before converting to MP3, and an MVC-based templating engine makes customization of the layout/design a breeze.


  • Download Dulu Source Code dan Database nya
  • Download file Pendukung yaitu web server xampp bisa download di sarankan php 5.6 atau versi 7.3
  • Text editor untuk membongkar coding di rekomendasikan sublime text atau notepad ++
  • install xampp seperti biasa dan subimetext nya
  • copy folder Source Code yang sudah di download ke direktory c/xampp/htocs
  • kemudian buka bowser google chorme kemudian ketikan localhost/phpmyadmin/
  • selanjutnya buat database dengan nama yang ada di folder htdocs tadi yang telah di pindahkan ada di folder db atau database dengan format .sql, kemudian import
  • setelah itu sesuaikan setingan koneksi database dengan membuka aplikasi texteditor tadi, file koneksi di application/config/database.php atau di file koneksi.php, lalu save
  • kemudian buka browser ketikan localhost/project_nama ( nama project tadi )
  • selesai


  • Akun Login Username : admin  Pasword : admin
  • Jika Tidak Bisa anda bisa cek di tabel admin atau user pada phpmyadmin
  • Jika terjadi error silahkan sesuaikan versi php aplikasi


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